This week passed by so quickly!
Even though the weather here in Denmark is not calling for sunscreen, yet I thought I would share good sunscreen for your kids.
It can quick be challenging to find the right sunscreen for your kids, so I will try to help you :).
What you need to be careful about when buying sunscreen for your kids, is that they don't have to contain parfume. The parfume might give them allergies and a reaction.
Another important ingredient is if the sunscreen contains endocrine disrupters. Endocrine disrupters can provoke early puberty, cancer and several other things.
Last but not least, try to avoid sunscreen in a spray! They contain aerosols, what's aerosols? That's tiny drops in the air which gets down to your lunges. Who wants that?!
Here is a few sunscreens I would prefer, which is also free from all the nasties.
God fredag!
Denne uge er bare fløjet afsted!
Selvom vejret herhjemme ikke ligefrem råber sommer, så tænkte jeg alligvel at dele hvilke solcremer er bedst for jeres børn.
Det kan hurtigt blive en udfordring med at finde den rette solcreme for dit barn, så jeg vil forsøge at hjælpe dig :).
Det du skal passe på med når du køber solcreme til børn, er at de ikke må indeholde parfume. Parfumen kan være med til at give dem en reaktion eller allergi. Noget andet er, de må ikke indeholde hormonforstyrrende ingredienser (bla. methyparaben, propylparaben). Hormonforstyrrende stoffer kan være med til at provokere for tidlig pubertet, kræft og andre ikke behagelig oplevelser.
Sidst men ikke mindst, undgå solcreme på spray! Solcreme på spray indeholder aerosoler. Det er små partikler i luften som kommer ned til vores lunger. Hvem har lyst til det?
Her er der nogle af de solcremer som jeg selv fortrækker, og er fri for alt det ubehagelige.
Avon spf 50+: Doesn't contain parfume or any other allergenic.
La Roche-Posay, spf 50+
This is my favorite one! I have used this one on my son since he was a baby, and I keep repurchasing it. Doesn't contain parfume or any other allergenic.

Nivea, spf 50+
A good sunscreen which doesn't contain any harmful ingredients.

Derma, spf 30 (Danish brand)
Another very good sunscreen!
As always, remember a hat, sunglasses and stay away from direct sun between 12-15pm.
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